Escape from the vaults of Horror

Escape from the vaults of Horror

Escape from the vaults of Horror

Level 10 - Try it


< 20:00 min

1 2 1 3 4 5 1

- 1 -

Room 1 Hint?

1st time: suddenly switch the flash switch to kill the monster
Awake monster und let it shoot down

2nd time: Switch the fire off and go out

3rd time: let the monster shoot down, go leftwards and always dodge the shots und go out

- 2 -

Room 2 Hint?

  1. Lader down and switch the fire switch
  2. Right pipe down an switch both fire switches
  3. 2nd pipe from the right down and switch the fire switch
  4. 2nd pipe from the left down and switch the fire switch
  5. Left pipe from down and switch the fire switch
  6. Get the key and go out

- 3 -

Room 3 Hint?

  1. Let the monster in the middle follow you to the teleporter,
    when the monster crosses the pipe, beam to the green field,
    switch the flash switch,
    when the monster is dead switch the flash switch,
    switch the treadmill switch
  2. Lower monster, as above
  3. Upper Monster, as above
  4. Go down to the right monster, get the key and beam suddenly to the yellow field
  5. Switch the upper treadmill switch so that the treadmill rolls leftwards to fix the monster
  6. Go down and switch the treadmill switch
  7. Beam to the yellow field
  8. Unlock and out

- 4 -

Room 4

- 5 -

Room 5 Hint?

  1. Timer top
  2. Timer middle right
  3. Timer bottom right
  4. Timer bottom left

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